That pressure we put on ourselves keeps us from going after what we truly want.

Who’s putting too much pressure on themselves?


I know I am.

That pressure pushes us to move quickly, bouncing around “doing all the things” while simultaneously thinking about how to do all the other things even better. 

It is intense. A feeling that everything needs our attention at once. That everything is equally important. 

This was where I’ve been this week: hopping from each task. Working, client sessions, grocery shopping, cooking, working out, organizing, getting the pup out. Doing, doing, doing. 

I set the bar for myself high. There is always a lot I want to get done and I get a strange satisfaction from all this doing. 

In it I felt accomplished, but stressed to fit it all in. 

That feeling of accomplishment is sneaky. It keeps us moving and busy. It keeps us feeling good enough, but not satisfied. 

I wasn’t feeling fulfilled because I didn’t make progress on the one or two important projects in my life. And I didn't take time to rest or space to determine what I wanted to do.

By doing all the things, I end up doing a lot of things I don’t actually want to be doing, or at least don’t really care about doing. 

I need to take the pressure off. I need to focus on what feels gratifying. 

For me, this week taking the pressure off meant spending some time by this waterfall. Some weeks it looks like lying down for 5 minutes between tasks.

What can we do right now to take some of the pressure off? 

Sarah Lyman