What will it be like to work with Sarah?

This is such a glowing testimonial that I’m almost embarrassed to share it here. However, Bethy and I connected on a deep level and working together was fabulous.

Bethy did amazing work during our time together. I just helped guide her way. 

If you wonder what it can be like to work with me, read on.

Bethy Young.jpegBethy Young

I found Sarah on a list and had such an amazing feeling about her that I knew she was it! I came to her with a small list of things that were holding me back in my self growth and together we worked through not only that list, but so much more! 

Working with Sarah feels like self care. She started my sessions with guided breathing. Her voice is so soothing. Even though you are doing the hard work to grow, you leave feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and just full of self love.

After leaving one particular session, I found myself using a technique she taught me about talking to my inner critic almost immediately. It was so powerful that I truly feel it changed my life right then and there! 

She has such a beautiful outlook on life and shares ideas that are so doable and simple! Her ideas never felt difficult. Instead, they melted into my day to day life in a way that just felt like they belonged there. While seamlessly fitting in, they made such a big difference that I felt I was able to move past my stuck feeling. Growing is hard work, but Sarah really brought a lot of simple ideas that made that growth feel easeful.

Working with Sarah opens you up in a way that prepares you to do the work on your own. I love that! The sessions allow you to feel like you have control and the answers.

Through our sessions, I started feeling like I was alive again. I felt like I was glowing and that I had a handle on my journey. This work allowed me to notice so many wonderful things I usually did not. I felt deeply connected to myself. I had the tools to talk to myself in such a loving way, that I made myself feel cared for and mothered. It is an amazing feeling that everyone should feel! 

Sarah really, truly cares. She has such a lovely energy. It just feels so good to talk and work with her. I love how she checks on you in between sessions and takes the extra time to send notes about your session. I will save those notes forever, because they are like cheat sheets for all the work you did with her! I could go on and on. You won’t regret working with her! 

- the beautiful, Bethy Young

I’m blushing knowing you made it this far. And if you did, working together could be a good fit. Bethy took part in my signature offering, Find Your Way Forward.

If you’d like to work together, but that is not a good fit, reach out to me at sarahlymancoaching@gmail.com. I’m always looking to create something that will be a good fit for those interested in this work. 

Sarah Lyman